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Chairmans Letter

Chairmans Letter

Nick Warren7 May 2017 - 08:27
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Chairmans Letter

All Plaxtol Cricketers,
First the good news! The cricket season has started with a win in the friendly with Bidborough last Saturday. The league season starts this coming Saturday so let’s hope both teams can start with wins.
A date for your diary! Plans are well advanced for another social event at the White Rock Inn, Underriver on Friday 16th June. The evening will involve food, drink and music and details will be circulated shortly.
Next the not so good news, the Club’s problems with lack of availability seem set to continue this season. Over the winter several initiatives have been implemented to improve playing numbers, advertising, leaflet drops etc., but with limited success and early season availability looks very disappointing. The club defaulted on three occasions last year, cancelling the 2nd XI fixture, and the rules stipulate that a fourth default results in the team being expelled from the League. Unless availability picks up the club may have no option but to withdraw the 2nd XI from the League and field only one team on a Saturday. This is not a good thing for the Club and, as has been the case at St Lawrence, can lead to a steady decline in a clubs fortunes.
So, please support your club and make yourself available to play as much as possible!!!!
Also, please help Will Minto by promptly paying your subscription early in the season. The club has had an expensive period, a new driveway has been laid and refurbishment of the pavilion has dwindled resources, so please help by sorting your subs out ASAP.
Further reading